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WhatIsMyIp will show you your IP and location and comes with a bundled collection of the best seo tools for your website. We offer all for free of charge The internet is a big network of connected devices, every device has a unique address where others can send information when they want to communicate. This unique identifier An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. See what's hot on Whatismyip.org.

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return 1; } sub test_caller_ip { my $req = new HTTP::Request('GET', 'http://whatismyip.org/'); $req->headers->push_header('Connection','Keep-Alive');  dirección IP con éxito, entrad en www.whatismyip.com antes y después de la desconexión. http://www.wireshark.org/download.html  http://wiki.freepbx.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId= exten => *764,1,Verbose(2, Run CURL to get IP address from whatismyip.org) Ve a https://www.whatismyip.com/ y copia el número que ves en esta página.